After two bonus days in New Zealand, my trip to the ice went something like this:


4:45 am: Wake up and wait for a call saying the flight has been delayed.

5:00 am: No call? Guess today is the day! Better get ready.

6:00 am: Board the shuttle heading to the airport.

6:30 am: Arrive at the Clothing Distribution Center to change into extreme cold weather gear for the flight.

6:45 am: Arrive at the USAP Passenger Terminal, check-in, await further instructions.

8:00 am: Go through security, get on the bus to the plane, stop for plane selfie, board the plane.

9:20 am: Find out that we’ll be delayed an hour, settle in.

10:30 am: Take off!!

3:00 pm: First view of Antarctica!

4:30 pm:  Land and disembark, take first steps on Antarctica, stop for second (much colder) plane selfie, climb on board bus for ride to McMurdo.

5:30 pm: Arrive at McMurdo, get room key, eat dinner, try to get internet to work (fail).

9:00 pm: Pass out.


I was eventually able to get my laptop to connect to the network (thank goodness!) and while it is rather slow, it is up all the time, which will be nice while I am here waiting for my flight to the South Pole. Next week I start fire training but, in the meantime, I will probably be spending most of my time exploring McMurdo and the surrounding area. And the sun never sets, so any time is a good time to get out and see what there is to see!